Registration of IP objects (patents, trademarks, computer programs and databases)
  • patent and trademark database search
  • preparation and registration of transactions on the disposal of exclusive rights to IP objects
  • registration of IP objects (extension of registration)
  • work on objections to applications for registration of IP objects
  • representation in the Chamber for Patent disputes (Rospatent)
  • support of disputes on early termination of trademark protection
  • deposit of copyright and related rights
IP dispute resolution
  • selection of judicial practice
  • analysis of risks in a dispute
  • study of materials and factual circumstances of the case, including collection of evidence
  • assistance in conducting an examination
  • a set of measures for pre-trial settlement (preparation of claims, participation in negotiations, including preparation of an agreement on pre-trial settlement of a dispute)
  • initiation of a trial
  • representation in court
  • assistance in enforcement proceedings
The strategy of work on each case and the scope of services provided are discussed at the stage of concluding the contract
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